Richmond is a great town too. Does it compare to D.C.? The dogs think so. The dogs can go off leash in Richmond (at least by the river at my mom and dad's house). They tear through the fields and pick up cool things like dead deer legs with the hoof still attached. Scout literally trembles with excitement when he reaches my parent's gravel driveway. Brandy comes to a euphoric state where she doesn't stop barking. My sweet mom who often drives them down to the river wears ear plugs and sound blocking headphones. Mom, thank you for taking them so often.
Last Thursday was beautiful and the whole family decided to walk the dogs to the river. Although documented on leash, this is only before we get to the path to the river.
Brandy and Scout can't take the excitement any more and are pulling us towards their freedom.
Are those Big Dogs that you're wearing?
yes. I forgot shorts so I had to borrow dad's. They look good, right?
yes, excellent in fact.
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