Wednesday, April 29, 2009

One Year Check Up

Archer had to go to the doctor yesterday for his first year check up. We were excited to show the doctor that he could walk a few steps, how much hair he had acquired and to finally stop guessing about how much he weighed. What they didn't tell us was that we would be getting 4 shots and have to have his blood taken (not a finger prick, but a full on needle to vein). Everyone was glad to be leaving the doctor's office.

Here are his stats
  • Height: 30 and 7/8 inches (75-90%)
  • Weight: 22 lbs and 9 oz (25-50%)
  • Head Circumference: 19 inches (90%)
He's a healthy boy and developing normally, although I think he is above average in every positive way imaginable.

Here are some pictures of him playing the other day in the cutest swim trunks Lindsay got him.


1 comment:

MAM said...

already driving and talking on his cell phone!