Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday Activities

Today has been a busy day.

It started out with Archer sitting in a colander. He could figure out how to get in, but not get out. I guess it was the bucket seat problem. He eventually flipped onto his side.

Then we played dress up with Scout. He is wearing Archer's fishing hat.

After Elliot came over to play this morning, we were off to the zoo with Stephanie, Olivia and new baby Emory. The highlights were viewing the new newborn chimp with his mama, Tulip the cow (see below) and some prairie dogs.

The day isn't even over yet. We need to go to the grocery, but I am afraid to wake a tired boy.

1 comment:

MAM said...

The third picture of Archer in the colander in my new favorite. His expressions are amazing. I can't wait to see this cute boy in a few weeks.