Monday, February 9, 2009

9 month Check-Up

A week ago today Archer had his 9 month check-up. We lucked out and got Dr. Lang, who really makes going to the doctor like an opportunity for patients to get compliments and praise for a job well done. Archer really knows how to be healthy...except when he gets a random shot (you aren't supposed to get shots for the 9 month check-up, but the office had run out of a shot at a previous appointment and they had to give it to him) and has a really red reaction that scares me.

Here are his stats:
  • Weight - 20 lbs 8 oz (50%)

  • Height - 29 1/2 inches (75-90%)

  • Head Circumference - 18 1/4 inches (50-75%)

Here are his stats from his 6 month doctor's visit.

"I am very healthy! Look at me being healthy in the tub!"

In other news, Archer and I went to Richmond this weekend and had a great time with Boo Daddy, Granny Goose and Aunt Mary. We even got some toys at The World of Mirth.

We were so lucky to leave Scout and Brandy at Camp Granny Goose for the week, or at least until Boo Daddy gets sick of them and drops them off at Broughton's Kennel. We did all this because bright and early tomorrow we are off to Sedona, AZ to visit the Dansby's!!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait to post from the sunny (and hopefully warm) west.

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